1. |
Raping the 7 Mothers ov Kaoz (Point of Ingress) |
01:08 |
2. |
Tzinakankamazotz (Aztec Vampyrism) |
05:14 |
3. |
I Am the Adversary (Impii Irreligiosi Carnivoribus Immortalibus) |
06:49 |
4. |
Gnosis Cipactli Tiamat |
04:57 |
5. |
Salve la muerte! |
06:22 |
6. |
Anticosmic Eroticism (Sexual Black Light Magick) |
05:59 |
7. |
Formulation of Qayin |
05:11 |
8. |
Stabbing the Eye of the Sun |
06:16 |
9. |
Set-Typhon in Apep (Quetzalcoatl Decapitated) |
05:33 |
10. |
Dehexecrated Graveyard of Galaxies |
05:30 |
11. |
Tlazolteotl Mantra (Point of Egress) |
02:46 |
55:45 |