Sodomizer – More Horror And Death Again…
CHF 5.00
1. Cursed by the Ancient Ones 01:08
2. Amityville 06:54
3. Call of the Beast 05:30
4. Blessed by the Virus of Death 06:19
5. Dead by Witchcraft 06:00
6. Unholy Forces of Darkness 05:04
7. Bring Your Dead 05:27
8. Execution of the Priest 06:05
9. Intro 02:25
10. Unholy Forces of Darkness 06:44
11. Suffering… Sweet Suffering 05:29
12. MCMXCIV 01:28
13. Hellfucker 06:41
14. Katalepsy 01:59
15. Outro 01:45
Ähnliche Produkte

Svarog – Opus V : Todesstoss
1. Triumph 06:40
2. Kraft des Geistes 04:00
3. Mordlust 04:00
4. Mordlust II 05:09
5. Totenstille 03:01
6. Zeiten des Menschseins 03:57
7. Vollstrecker 05:57
8. Glaubensbekenntnis 08:31
9. Bilanz einer Schlacht 04:25

Gloria Diaboli – Gate To Sheol
1. The Kingdom of Flesh and Decay 03:44
2. Above as It Is Below 04:02
3. Gloria Diaboli 03:09
4. Gate to Sheol 06:32
5. Libation unto He Who Dwelleth in the Depths 05:27
6. Omega Throne 04:01
7. Oh, Great Deceiver 04:09

Astarot – Gateway Microcosm
1. Signals 03:43
2. Clash of Worlds 05:50
3. Travel to the Nostalgia 04:45
4. Kappa Fornacis 03:21
5. Gateway Microcosm 04:52
6. HD 20807 02:37

Trilogy For Domination
1. Infernal – Honouring Their Origins 03:34
2. Infernal – Sky Is Turning Black 04:35
3. Infernal – Masquerade 04:36
4. Infernal – By the Side of the Road 03:14
5. Infernal – Forces Flowing Down 03:54
6. Ereshkigal – Spells of Kur-un-gi-a 05:50
7. Ereshkigal – Possessed 05:45
8. Ereshkigal – Scrolls 06:42
9. Ereshkigal – Armaggedon (Bathory cover) 02:53
10. Infernal Kingdom – Beast Domains 00:59
11. Infernal Kingdom – Spelling the Plagues of Mighty King 03:44
12. Infernal Kingdom – Demonic Visions, the Eyes of Death 04:04
13. Infernal Kingdom – Possessed by Infernal Acts 03:47

Swarost – Brzask
1. Synowie Archetypu 06:08
2. Porwany Żądzą Zniszczenia 04:08
3. Schyłek Nędzarzy 05:02
4. In Hoc Signo Vinces 03:13
5. Trwamy! 03:05

Sieghetnar – Verfallen & Verendet
1. …vom Verfall der Firmamente 08:34
2. In Gedanken schon verendet 06:10
3. Verwüstung 06:10
4. Verzweiflung 08:40
5. Gebrechlichkeit 10:30

Lugnasad – Smell Of A Grey Sore
1. Four in the Fifth Finger 07:39
2. Xerolagnia 05:45
3. Smell of a Grey Sore 06:24
4. Frigid Feast 06:24
5. The Veiled Whore 09:51
6. Novus Ordo Seclorum 04:31
7. Scarified 10:34

Gräfenstein – Silence Endless
1. Days Red Dawn 03:58
2. Vengeance 02:24
3. Call the Storm 04:49
4. Vow of Honour 04:04
5. Hoarfrost 03:03
6. Through the Leaves 03:49
7. Wächter der Stille 06:55
8. Pulsing Death 04:12

Svarog – Opus V : Todesstoss
1. Triumph 06:40
2. Kraft des Geistes 04:00
3. Mordlust 04:00
4. Mordlust II 05:09
5. Totenstille 03:01
6. Zeiten des Menschseins 03:57
7. Vollstrecker 05:57
8. Glaubensbekenntnis 08:31
9. Bilanz einer Schlacht 04:25

Gloria Diaboli – Gate To Sheol
1. The Kingdom of Flesh and Decay 03:44
2. Above as It Is Below 04:02
3. Gloria Diaboli 03:09
4. Gate to Sheol 06:32
5. Libation unto He Who Dwelleth in the Depths 05:27
6. Omega Throne 04:01
7. Oh, Great Deceiver 04:09

Astarot – Gateway Microcosm
1. Signals 03:43
2. Clash of Worlds 05:50
3. Travel to the Nostalgia 04:45
4. Kappa Fornacis 03:21
5. Gateway Microcosm 04:52
6. HD 20807 02:37

Trilogy For Domination
1. Infernal – Honouring Their Origins 03:34
2. Infernal – Sky Is Turning Black 04:35
3. Infernal – Masquerade 04:36
4. Infernal – By the Side of the Road 03:14
5. Infernal – Forces Flowing Down 03:54
6. Ereshkigal – Spells of Kur-un-gi-a 05:50
7. Ereshkigal – Possessed 05:45
8. Ereshkigal – Scrolls 06:42
9. Ereshkigal – Armaggedon (Bathory cover) 02:53
10. Infernal Kingdom – Beast Domains 00:59
11. Infernal Kingdom – Spelling the Plagues of Mighty King 03:44
12. Infernal Kingdom – Demonic Visions, the Eyes of Death 04:04
13. Infernal Kingdom – Possessed by Infernal Acts 03:47

Swarost – Brzask
1. Synowie Archetypu 06:08
2. Porwany Żądzą Zniszczenia 04:08
3. Schyłek Nędzarzy 05:02
4. In Hoc Signo Vinces 03:13
5. Trwamy! 03:05

Sieghetnar – Verfallen & Verendet
1. …vom Verfall der Firmamente 08:34
2. In Gedanken schon verendet 06:10
3. Verwüstung 06:10
4. Verzweiflung 08:40
5. Gebrechlichkeit 10:30

Lugnasad – Smell Of A Grey Sore
1. Four in the Fifth Finger 07:39
2. Xerolagnia 05:45
3. Smell of a Grey Sore 06:24
4. Frigid Feast 06:24
5. The Veiled Whore 09:51
6. Novus Ordo Seclorum 04:31
7. Scarified 10:34

Gräfenstein – Silence Endless
1. Days Red Dawn 03:58
2. Vengeance 02:24
3. Call the Storm 04:49
4. Vow of Honour 04:04
5. Hoarfrost 03:03
6. Through the Leaves 03:49
7. Wächter der Stille 06:55
8. Pulsing Death 04:12

Svarog – Opus V : Todesstoss
1. Triumph 06:40
2. Kraft des Geistes 04:00
3. Mordlust 04:00
4. Mordlust II 05:09
5. Totenstille 03:01
6. Zeiten des Menschseins 03:57
7. Vollstrecker 05:57
8. Glaubensbekenntnis 08:31
9. Bilanz einer Schlacht 04:25

Gloria Diaboli – Gate To Sheol
1. The Kingdom of Flesh and Decay 03:44
2. Above as It Is Below 04:02
3. Gloria Diaboli 03:09
4. Gate to Sheol 06:32
5. Libation unto He Who Dwelleth in the Depths 05:27
6. Omega Throne 04:01
7. Oh, Great Deceiver 04:09

Astarot – Gateway Microcosm
1. Signals 03:43
2. Clash of Worlds 05:50
3. Travel to the Nostalgia 04:45
4. Kappa Fornacis 03:21
5. Gateway Microcosm 04:52
6. HD 20807 02:37

Trilogy For Domination
1. Infernal – Honouring Their Origins 03:34
2. Infernal – Sky Is Turning Black 04:35
3. Infernal – Masquerade 04:36
4. Infernal – By the Side of the Road 03:14
5. Infernal – Forces Flowing Down 03:54
6. Ereshkigal – Spells of Kur-un-gi-a 05:50
7. Ereshkigal – Possessed 05:45
8. Ereshkigal – Scrolls 06:42
9. Ereshkigal – Armaggedon (Bathory cover) 02:53
10. Infernal Kingdom – Beast Domains 00:59
11. Infernal Kingdom – Spelling the Plagues of Mighty King 03:44
12. Infernal Kingdom – Demonic Visions, the Eyes of Death 04:04
13. Infernal Kingdom – Possessed by Infernal Acts 03:47