A Forest – Worn Out
A Forest – Worn Out
1. A Trial of Strength 07:11
2. Rule of Mother’s Pain 07:30
3. Crossing the Line of Reality 04:09
4. Words from Light (Bj) 04:30
5. Eoh (Taxus Baccata) 07:32
6. Beginnig of the Cold 03:19
7. Dark on Darkness 05:49
8. Visions of Winter 04:55
9. A Walk Through the Forest 04:10
10. Litany 04:50
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A Thousand Sufferings – Bleakness
A Thousand Sufferings – Bleakness
1. Bleak 03:20
2. Antagonist 09:50
3. Clouds 05:15
4. Temple 08:20
5. Ghostriders 04:51
6. Faces 09:10


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Aasgard – Κυδοιμοσ/Briargh – Restoration
Aasgard – Κυδοιμοσ/Briargh – Restoration

1. Aasgard – Ψεφηνος αηρ 02:01
2. Aasgard – Θουρις ασπις 05:24
3. Aasgard – Καθαρτο αορ 05:33
4. Aasgard – Βροτοεν δορατι 04:13
5. Briargh – Prelude… (Hayacorva) 01:23
6. Briargh – Vsgo 04:21
7. Briargh – Onward to Illice 05:34
8. Briargh – Pielagos 05:09

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Aasgard – Nekriki Mistagogia
Aasgard – Nekriki Mistagogia
1. Call to War 02:01
2. The Beginning of the Fall 03:27
3. The Search for a Glorius Death 04:26
4. Nekriki Mistagogia 05:01
5. The Day Who the Gods Will Marching Again to Earth 04:05
6. Nekropobi 03:21
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Aasgard/AK-11 – Unto Heretic Flames
Aasgard/AK-11 – Unto Heretic Flames
1. AK-11 – Their Flesh Our Fire 04:07
2. AK-11 – Ritual (Viking Dusk) 05:04
3. AK-11 – Men Among the Ruins 04:49
4. AK-11 – Departing Murderers, Returning Heroes 06:22
5. Aasgard – Heretical Onslaught 05:27
6. Aasgard – The Unspeakable King 05:11
7. Aasgard – Ego Magick 05:15
8. Aasgard – Ia Nyarlathotep 05:52
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Abigail – Live Yakuza
Abigail – Live Yakuza

1. Teenage Metal Fuck 03:48
2. Satanik Metal Fucking Hell 03:16
3. Hell’s Necromancer 03:24
4. Attack with Spell 03:36
5. The Fire of Hell 02:30
6. Violence, Kill and Destruction 03:48
7. Prophecy of the Evening Star 03:02
8. Hail Yakuza – War 666 06:21
9. Metal Evil Metal 04:21
10. Lethal Dose (NME cover) 01:59

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Abigorum – Vergessene Stille
Abigorum – Vergessene Stille
1. Erhebt eure mit Blut gefüllten Hörner 11:12
2. Der geheimnisvolle Käfig 09:13
3. Vergessene Stille 06:17
4. Zerbrechlicher kleiner Geist 11:11
5. Rast und Abschied 02:53
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Aboriorth – The Austere Perpetuity Of Nothingness
Aboriorth – The Austere Perpetuity Of Nothingness
1. The Truth Given in Gold Vessels and Beggar Hands 06:50
2. Hope Drunk and Faith Moribund 07:20
3. The Shortest Doom for the Hanged in a Silk Thread 08:32
4. While the Children Are Rotting in Their Tombs 07:29
5. The Place Where the Night Was Born and the Soul Died 07:57
6. Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover) 05:54
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Aborym – Kali Yuga Bizarre
Aborym – Kali Yuga Bizarre
1. Wehrmacht Kali Ma 04:03
2. Horrenda Peccata Christi 06:28
3. Hellraiser (Coil cover) 04:16
4. Roma Divina Urbs 08:59
5. Darka Mysteria 04:55
6. Tantra Bizarre 04:12
7. Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 02:23
8. Metal Striken Terror Action 03:56
9. The First Four Trumpets 07:01
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Absolutus – Pugnare In Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis
Absolutus – Pugnare In Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis

1. Abyssus Abyssum Invocat 03:53
2. Sunt Verba et Voces Praetereaque Nihil 04:10
3. Credo Quia Absurdum 04:24
4. Ego Sum Qui Sum 05:26
5. Damnat Quod Non Intelligunt 03:11
6. Pugnare in iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis 04:10
7. Decepimur Specie Recti 01:28
8. Virgo Dei Genitrix 03:45
9. Numen 02:41

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Absolvtion/Goatslave – Elegy Of Purification
Absolvtion/Goatslave – Elegy Of Purification


1.Elegy Of The Impure
2.Altar Of Repentance


3.God’s Demise
4.Evil Possession
5.Portal Of The Ineffable

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Abyssgale – Hegemon
Abyssgale – Hegemon

1. Execution Litany 04:24
2. Hegemon 05:48
3. Anoint Wounds with Poison 04:45
4. Anileo 05:10
5. Altar Thane of Mental Alienation 05:25
6. Hunting Horn 05:44
7. Ancestral Cult 05:06
8. The Rising Chants For The New Hierarchy 03:46

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Accursed Christ/Decadence – …In Spite Of Torment In Eternity
Accursed Christ/Decadence – …In Spite Of Torment In Eternity
1. Accursed Christ – Hatred (Destroying the Purity) 07:16
2. Accursed Christ – Flagellation Founding a Parapsychical Visions…. 03:23
3. Accursed Christ – Decayed Air Fills My Lungs 03:46
4. Decadence – Agony in Heavens 03:19
5. Decadence – Desolated Landscapes 06:39
6. Decadence – Eternal Torment 10:35
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Acedia Mundi – Speculum Humanae Salvationis
Acedia Mundi – Speculum Humanae Salvationis
1. Spreading Venom in the Hearts of Children 01:40
2. Ab-Jection 04:01
3. Deconstructing My Soul 06:21
4. The Saddist Is the Saddest 04:32
5. From Sodom to Magog 04:37
6. Ceux qui marchent 04:27
7. Nos Qui Non Electi Sumus… 05:41
8. …Sumus Fex Dei 07:09
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Acheronte – Ancient Furies
Acheronte – Ancient Furies
1. Addicted to War (Assurnasirpal II) 04:35
2. Destroyer for the Glory (Alexander the Great) 05:10
3. Ancient Persecutor of Christianity (Diocletian) 05:06
4. Flagellum Dei (Attila) 05:37
5. The Lame One (Timur Barlas) 04:07
6. The Lord Impaler (Vlad III) 05:26
7. Bloods for the Gods (Ahuitzotl) 07:02
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Acod – Fourth Reign Over Opacities And Beyond
Acod – Fourth Reign Over Opacities And Beyond
1. Sur d’anciens chemins 03:07
2. Genus Vacuitatis 05:05
3. The Prophecy of Agony 05:35
4. Sulfur Winds Ritual
5. Nekyia Catharsis 05:25
6. Infernet’s Path 02:06
7. Artes Obscurae 05:06
8. Fourth Reign over Opacities and Beyond 05:33
9. Through the Astral Door 06:15
10. Empty Graves / Katabasis 07:48
11. Fleshcell Synthetic Opus
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Acrosome – Narrator And Remains
Acrosome – Narrator And Remains
1. First Step On to the World 08:48
2. Crossbreed Rising 05:43
3. Cognitive Contact 06:28
4. Sight 02:33
5. In the Wake of Foot Traces 04:13
6. Accommodate 06:45
7. Terra Amata 01:58


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Acrosome – Non-Pourable Lines
Acrosome – Non-Pourable Lines
1. I 02:37
2. II 04:37
3. III 06:21
4. IV 05:15
5. V 06:27
6. VI 02:26
7. VII – Today Is Yesterday 05:50


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Ad Noctem Funebriis – Abyss, Fire, Brimstones
Ad Noctem Funebriis – Abyss, Fire, Brimstones
1. Abyss I 04:54
2. Abyss II 06:01
3. Abyss III 05:22
4. Fire I 06:40
5. Fire II 04:03
6. Fire III 07:42
7. Brimstones I 03:50
8. Brimstones II 05:46


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Adversus Semita – Ad Mortem Cunae Agitantur
Adversus Semita – Ad Mortem Cunae Agitantur
1. Ad Initium Miserius Mortiferum 06:43
2. The Majesty of Seven Knives 09:45
3. Luminis Oratorem Irrumabimus 05:58
4. In Cruento Sepulchro Merguntur 09:12
5. Sub Noctis Amiculo Requiesco 04:41
6. Det spilles opp til barnegråt 09:44
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Aegeon – Nocturnal Glorification
Aegeon – Nocturnal Glorification
1. Transient, Ethereal Veil 04:51
2. Glorification of the New Pandemia 05:52
3. From the Sins in Perpetual Darkness 07:27
4. Awakening 05:39
5. The Cult of the October 06:31
6. Rain of a Thousand Years 06:26
7. The Eternal March of the Nameless 08:05


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Aetheres – Dark Wisdom’s Domain
Aetheres – Dark Wisdom’s Domain

1. In the Gloom of Stars (Intro) 00:56
2. Katharsis 07:22
3. My Soul’s Temple 07:22
4. Beyond the Vast Water 08:48
5. Inwokacja cienia 05:41
6. Encountering the Omniscient 05:40
7. Esoterical Realms (Outro) 02:25

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Aetherius Obscuritas – A Sors Szürke Pora
Aetherius Obscuritas – A Sors Szürke Pora
1. A sors szürke pora 04:14
2. Álom (Grime & Muck version) 04:36
3. Cloak of Wolves 04:29
4. Súlytalan 04:45
5. Sweet Poison 04:53
6. Murderers 03:33
7. Valcert járnak a végzet táncosai 02:14


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Aetherius Obscuritas – MMXV
Aetherius Obscuritas – MMXV
1. Nesztelen jön az éj 04:20
2. Tiszta ruhákat szennyező korom 03:38
3. Csorba 04:23
4. Méreg 04:03
5. Bezárt világ 03:47
6. Truth is liar 03:19
7. Térképet rajzol az idő tolla 03:22
8. Az utolsó hangos ének 04:07
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Aethernaeum – Naturmystik
Aethernaeum – Naturmystik
1. Die Stimme der Wildnis 10:31
2. Heimreise (Ein Requiem) 11:39
3. Umarmung der Einsamkeit 06:08
4. Die Waldschamanin 09:41
5. Der Baumpercht 04:09
6. Jenseits der Mauer des Schweigens 04:35
7. Im Zyklus der Jahreszeiten 08:00
8. Aus Silberseen… 09:15
9. Erdenzauber 02:03
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Ahnengrab – Ahnengrab
Ahnengrab – Ahnengrab
1. Prolog 02:15
2. Der neun Welten Ende 04:14
3. Einherjer 05:28
4. Blutrache 06:12
5. Rabenfrass 03:56
6. Burning Out the Bible’s Words 04:22
7. Berserksmar 04:42
8. Ahnengrab 01:14
9. Die letzte Fahrt 04:18
10. Gen Norden 04:28


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Ahnenkult – Als Das Licht Verging
Ahnenkult – Als Das Licht Verging
1. Konstellation 04:46
2. Vinland 06:16
3. Sol Invictus 06:28
4. Flux Temporis 05:18
5. Sternenstaub 04:51
6. Gezeiten 06:02
7. Stella Polaris 09:34
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Aion – Verses Of Perdition
Aion – Verses Of Perdition

1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V

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Akerius – Hidden Portals To The Nameless Depths
Akerius – Hidden Portals To The Nameless Depths
1 Chanting To Raise The Great Old Ones 1:11
2 Lord Of ALL (The Primal Chaos) 5:06
3 Invisible Dominion (That Is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie…) 5:57
4 Cthulhu Spell (Ancient Ritual Of Fire) 1:29
5 Demented Annihilation 5:55
6 The Cyclopean Coast-line Of R’lyeh 2:05
7 Imploring The Gods Of Dream 4:31
8 The Revelation (Al-Azif) 4:31
9 Cosmic Chaos Unleashed 6:19
10 Patterns Of Insanity 1:34
11 Hidden Portals To The Nameless Depths 3:41
12 Lord Of ALL (Instrumental Version) 5:06
13 Demented Annihilation (Instrumental Version) 5:55
14 Cosmic Chaos Unleashed (Instrumental Version) 6:19
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Akhenaten – The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth
Akhenaten – The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth
1. Neferkapta’s Tomb 05:46
2. Halls of Amenti 04:26
3. Of Emerald and Alchemy 04:00
4. A Hybrid of the Gods 05:55
5. The Atlantean 07:28
6. Cult of Kukulkan 03:23
7. The Black Land 08:00
8. Tabula Smaragdina 03:41
9. Priests of the Jackal 07:34
10. Fall of the Living Gods 06:17
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Aldaaron – Arcane Mountain Cult
Aldaaron – Arcane Mountain Cult
1. Prologue 01:39
2. Pride and Sorrow 05:50
3. Arcane Mountain Cult 11:10
4. Morgoth 05:47
5. Adorned with Frost 11:48


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Aldaaron – Majestic Heights, Melancholic Depths
Aldaaron – Majestic Heights, Melancholic Depths
1. Bannières de nuit 04:23
2. Rôdeur des sommets 00:54
3. Monti Vagus 07:16
4. Voyageur des cimes 01:29
5. Chroniques des jours d’alors 08:31
6. La bataille approche 00:52
7. Les tambours et le fer 05:14
8. Impassibles cénotaphes 06:10
9. The Knell and the World (Dawn cover)
10. Pride and Sorrow – Ambient Version
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Aldaaron – Suprême Silence
Aldaaron – Suprême Silence
1. Renégat 05:49
2. L’homme souverain 07:37
3. La légende des fils 05:16
4. Une prière au vent de l’est 06:33
5. J’atteindrai la pureté 06:32
6. Suprême silence 10:42
7. Prémices 01:43
8. En route vers la bataille 04:51
9. Le combat d’Aros 05:57
10. Le réveil de Pan 03:19
11. La mort d’Aros 07:20
12. Dol Sagoth 05:10
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Alder – Sun Worshipper
Alder – Sun Worshipper
1. An Ocean of Light 03:56
2. Sonnenanbeter 09:41
3. Only Memories Remain 07:14
4. Awakening Nerthus 07:34
5. Cities of Sand 08:43
6. Extinction 08:51
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Alene Misantropi – Absence Of Light
Alene Misantropi – Absence Of Light
1. Confessions of a Man in Fear (Part I) 08:20
2. Absence of Light 09:53
3. Confessions of a Man in Fear (Part II) 12:30
4. Golden Blood Sea 07:40
5. Solitude, Pessimist and Self Destructive 23:29
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Alerion – VIII Sanctvaires
Alerion – VIII Sanctvaires
1. Nocturne Morte 05:38
2. 843 05:21
3. Le soupirail de l’Ame 03:58
4. Loreina 06:13
5. Un siècle plus tard 06:06
6. Majestueuse déchéance 05:57
7. Foramen noctis 03:17
8. Les séquelles de la nuit 05:48
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Alien Deviant Circus – Ananta Abhâva
Alien Deviant Circus – Ananta Abhâva

1. AP (nâda) 21:58
2. Hiranya – Garbha (shakti) 19:32
3. Aham Tattva 08:19
4. Mrityu Moksha (vâc) 09:12
5. Maha Pralaya (pradhamsa-abhava) 10:32

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Allobrogia – Sonnocingos
Allobrogia – Sonnocingos

1. Sol 00:58
2. Trinoxtion Samonii 05:43
3. Evèlî 06:01
4. Sonnocingos 03:39
5. Imbolc 05:15
6. Méralyon 02:07
7. Alban Eilir 02:31
8. Beltan 04:10
9. En Ran 06:33
10. Lughnasa 06:18
11. Epitafa 05:34

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Altar Ov Asteria – Éna
Altar Ov Asteria – Éna
1. Arroganz 07:14
2. Fegefeuer 07:18
3. Hesperus 05:54
4. Kataklysm 05:09
5. Pilatus 08:00
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Anael – Mare
Anael – Mare
1. Odyssee 06:46
2. Anachron 06:31
3. The Glass People 07:23
4. Sophia 06:20
5. Dreamtide 06:14
6. The Darkness Within 09:03
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